Good Night, St Petersburg

This is the piece I wrote for the "Good Night, Moscow" creative writing contest by American Center in Moscow. Before doing so, I told Timur Khamzin "I don't care about winning. I can always publish my piece in my community." The time has come to publish my piece "Good Night, St Petersburg" in my community. Enjoy!


The morning is ruined by the blocked nose. Coffee and nasal spray do the trick, but I rummage in the cupboard for tissues anyway. I know I will have the sniffles for the rest of the day, so better safe than sorry.

Pockets full of tissues, I sink into a metro seat. Achoo.

-  Bless you. Fighting the sniffles?

Talking to a stranger on the metro? He can't be local.

-  Yep. A never-ending fight in this city.
-  You must really love it if you are willing to fight the never-ending fight.
-  I do. It was love at first sight. The bridges, the embankments, the buildings that are one kilometer long… I came for the romance, but the romance comes at a price. Nothing nasal spray and tissues can't fix though.
-  I understand why you came.

But why did I stay? Achoo.

-  Bless you. Have some hot tea with raspberries and lemon before you go to bed.
-  Will do. Are you wearing two sweaters?
-  Indeed I am. A fleece and a sweater, technically. I don't remember the last time I had been so fiercely attacked by winds on all fronts. Came unprepared and was defeated instantly. Had to borrow the fleece. It helps some.
-  You should have come in summer. What person in their right mind comes here in December, not to mention without a fleece?

I blurt it out, unfiltered. A carmine fleece is sticking out from underneath an ochre-yellow, inch-thick, cable-knit sweater. I feel extreme warmth consuming me as if I am wearing that sweater myself, and I know I'm blushing. I force my mouth to curve a polite smile. Not a nerve twitches on his face. Because he is right. If you really want to go, you pack up and go, regardless.

-  There will always be someone to lend you a fleece.
-  Or a sweater. Chernyshevskaya, that's me. Stay warm!

Achoo. I'm all tucked up in bed, hot tea by my side. Good night, St Petersburg. I am on the mend.


Image credit: Photo by Petr Filippov at 


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