"How to fail (the IELTS exam)" by Natalia Larchenko, a "Mayonnaise" contest winner
My Creative Writing Contest "Mayonnaise" has come to its inevitable end, which is good because I can finally share the amazing stories by the amazing winners! The prompt for the contest was simple: Write a story that ends with the word "Mayonnaise." I am beyond thrilled to present another winner Natalia Larchenko . Her story is wonderfully weird, which was what helped her win. Don't be afraid to be weird and enjoy the story! ✽✽✽ How to fail (the IELTS exam) How can a regular city slicker blend in with seasoned farmers? This was the question that I started to mull over about two months ago when I first learned that my late uncle had been kind enough to have bequeathed me his splendid mansion out in the sticks. I visited the place only once before making a final decision of moving in. After all, it was easy to fall in love with peaceful walks in the dappled shade of trees, while listening to their rustle in the wind. Much more soothing than a rustle of bank notes...